Clarify about marketing of chicken in Camagüey

Based on the concerns and suggestions of some people regarding why in the province of Camagüey the chicken sold in the CIMEX and Caribe chain stores is not regulated by the supply book, we share the explanation provided by Daniel Iglesias Guzmán, head of the food group at the Provincial Defense Council.

The province has to date a total of 277 thousand 800 family nuclei regulated by the supply book, which corresponds to 768 thousand 966 consumers. In the specific case of the city of Camagüey, there are 116,471 nuclei that include 342,055 people.

The official added that so far this year the six containers of chicken received between the CIMEX and Caribbean chains have not exceeded on average, so the supply does not meet demand.
He explained that "a container averages 23 tons which multiplied by the six received add up to 138 tons, that is to say 138 thousand kilograms.
If it were distributed to two kilograms of chicken per nucleus, only in the city of Camagüey, in a month 69 thousand nuclei would be covered and 47 thousand 471 would be pending, while it would not be enough to reach any other municipality, "adds Iglesias.
According to the calculations, this situation would translate into a 1.7-month rotation to supply all the nuclei of the provincial capital, and if the remaining twelve municipalities are taken into account, it would be extended to four months for a family to receive meat again.
From the above it follows that the territory does not have sufficient inventories of the resource to regulate it by the supply book.
However, both CIMEX and Tiendas Caribe were told to adopt measures to avoid crowding and speed up the service.
The aim is to distribute the product to a greater number of establishments; to enable all the cash registers for sale and to locate the greatest number of dependents in these functions, in which the responsibility with which the managers assume these guidelines decides a great deal.
On the other hand, the country's management decided that the chicken that was sold in a free way in the internal trade markets will now be sold as regulated by the supply book at the same price, $ 19.50 per pound per capita.
The starting point of this provision in Camagüey is the area with reinforced insulation in the Buenos Aires Popular Council - Bella Vista, in the main municipality, which will continue in stages.
In addition, among the food modules that have been formed is one consisting of a slaughtered hen and a package of noodles, with priority for nuclei with people over 65 years of age, which has been distributed so far in warehouses in the Centro shopping area. and of the Buenos Aires cast.


Source: interview with Radio Cadena Agramonte.
Transcription and writing: Yamylé Fernández / Communication Group of the Provincial Government of Camagüey
Photos: Screenshot of TV Camagüey and taken from the digital sites Ecured and newspaper 26, in Las Tunas.