Find out about the continuity of teleclasses in Cuba

During the first stage of teleclasses, which ended this week, they came to an end, according to Ena Elsa Velázquez Cobiella, minister of Education, the subjects The world we live in, for grades one through four, and Geography for sixth, in primary education.

In the week of April 20-24, he detailed, four spaces are incorporated for ninth grade that include Mathematics, History, Spanish, together with Physics and Chemistry alternately. The hours dedicated to the contents of Mathematics and History of tenth and eleventh grades are also expanded; as well as the first two years of Technical-Professional Education.

Among the changes, he also mentioned the incorporation of the Inder and the Ministry of Culture into the teaching program and, from April 27, it will start a cycle of activities for twelfth grade students, in the subjects of History, Mathematics and Spanish. (Taken from


Photos: taken from the Granma newspaper and Yudilka Ferrales' Facebook profile.