An April 4 for Dayan

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dayan trabajo

Within the Popular Power system in Camagüey, everyone identifies Dayan Antonio Velozo Santana as the leader par excellence of the Base Committee of the Union of Young Communists at the headquarters of the Provincial Government.

This blond boy, with blue eyes, good character and a hundred percent dancer, has earned the respect of his peers for the responsibility with which he has assumed such a mission.
At the headquarters of the former Provincial Assembly of People's Power, he arrived as a trained computer technician in 2013 "without any experience at work and little by little I fell in love with all the processes that are derived here from all branches of the economy, and services. And why not, I stayed to demonstrate that youth can have great responsibilities on their shoulders, ”he confesses.

How to make a UJC Grassroots Committee really work?
A Base Committee works if all its militancy is aware of its objective and functions; with good leaders who know how to guide all the processes that take place in the UJC until they pass to the Party, which is the final goal, to reach those ranks well prepared and with all the tools to take on any task.
How to be young and at the same time profound?

The first thing to have is the conviction of being a member of the UJC, that you are born naturally and of your own free will.
I believe that being a profound youth is being tempered to your historical moment, we live with new technologies but we must take advantage of them for the good of the Revolution; to disclose the good and real things that are done in our beautiful Cuba, not to be naive and always have criteria based on the established legal legal norms.

How much has the UJC contributed to you as a young person and as a human being?

It has given me a lot of ideological and job training; It has nourished me with very valuable knowledge, about the different ways that young people are attacked today on digital platforms and the forceful way that we must respond to them.
So is this boy, who was delegated to the XI Congress of the Union of Young Communists, now postponed due to the health situation, and who holds double membership as he also integrates the ranks of the Communist Party of Cuba.
He has managed to combine his work obligations with his performance as a dancer in the dance and flamenco company Andarte and the Computer Engineering career that he is currently pursuing, without neglecting the love for his wife Yunislaydis, with whom he recently married.
It is, without a doubt, a sample of that joyful and deep youth that Cuba is nourished today. (Text: Yamylé Fernández / Provincial Government Communication Group) (Photos: from the author and taken from the interviewee's Facebook profile).

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